Episode 288: Can a Conference Change Your Life-Chautauqua 2022


Episode 288: Can a Conference Change Your Life-Chautauqua 2022

Can a conference change your life? One certainly did for me. We talk with JL Collins, Alan and Katie Donegan, And Bryce and Kristy (Millennial Revolution) about Chautauqua 2022. I happen to be one of the two speakers (First week Sept 3-Sept10)!

We're super excited to announce the 2022 Chautauqua speakers (for more info about Chautauqua, listen to the episode or click here)

We're bringing Chautauqua to Colombia this year and we're excited to announce the speakers.

All weeks will have...

Then we have these FI sensations joining us in Colombia...

  • Week 1: 3rd to 10th September 2022 - Doc G of the Earn and Invest podcast and blog

  • Week 2: 10th to 17th September 2022 - Ken Okoroafor from The Humble Penny

This year we are combining launch of ticket sales with a YouTube live with JL Collins and Millennial Revolution. They will answer all your questions about Chautauqua, life, investing, FI and anything else you wish to ask them! Just click the video link above to join.

The YouTube live will be onThursday 10th February and the tickets will be launched the same day. We are pumped for this y'all! The YouTube live starts at 6pm Eastern time. Put it in your calendar and/or click on the thumbnail below and it gives you the option to set a reminder.

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Call To Action!

Here are three simple ways to support the podcast that would mean the world to us.  And guess what?  They don’t cost a cent.

  1. Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunesSpotify, or Stitcher.

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  5. Check out the Earn & Invest Blog

  6. Preorder my book Taking Stock HERE.


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